We are happy to have had the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with the international team of data protection and privacy law professionals of ICA Gruppen, Swedish retail group, which is a parent company of Rimi Lietuva. We presented the different regional approaches to data privacy, which will not only determine the pace of technological development, but will also have an impact on international business and compliance in these regions. Different jurisdictions tend to follow one or a combination of broad data privacy models: the GDPR-like user-centric approach, US-led surveillance capitalism and 1984-style digital dictatorships such as China and Russia. In recent case law, regulatory practice and legislative developments, these three approaches have become increasingly competitive and even clashing, posing challenges for businesses attempting to comply. // Džiaugiamės turėję galimybę pasidalinti savo žiniomis ir patirtimi su tarptautine duomenų apsaugos ir privatumo teisės specialistų komanda iš Švedijos mažmeninės prekybos grupės ICA, kuri yra „Rimi Lietuva” patronuojanti bendrovė. Pristatėme skirtingus regioninius požiūrius į duomenų privatumą, kurie ne tik lems technologijų plėtros tempą, bet ir turės įtakos tarptautiniam verslui bei atitikties lygiui šiuose regionuose. Skirtingos jurisdikcijos paprastai vadovaujasi vienu arba kelių duomenų privatumo modelių deriniu: į duomenų subjekto apsaugą orientuotu (GDPR) modeliu, JAV stebėjimo kapitalizmo (angl. surveillance capitalism) modeliu ir 1984 m. stiliaus skaitmeninėmis diktatūromis, tokiomis kaip Kinija ir Rusija. Pastaruoju metu teismų praktikoje, reguliavimo praktikoje ir teisėkūros raidoje šie trys požiūriai tampa vis konkurencingesni ir net susiduria tarpusavyje, todėl įmonėms, bandančioms laikytis reikalavimų, kyla sunkumų. #gdpr #privacy #compliance #data …see more
Rate this translation We are happy to have had the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with the international team of data protection and privacy law professionals of ICA Gruppen, Swedish retail group, which is a parent company of Rimi Lietuva. We presented the different regional approaches to data privacy, which will not only determine the pace of technological development, but will also have an impact on international business and compliance in these regions. Different jurisdictions tend to follow one or a combination of broad data privacy models: the GDPR-like user-centric approach, US-led surveillance capitalism and 1984-style digital dictatorships such as China and Russia. In recent case law, regulatory practice and legislative developments, these three approaches have become increasingly competitive and even clashing, posing challenges for businesses attempting to comply. // We are pleased to have had the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with an international team of data protection and privacy law specialists from the Swedish retail group ICA, which is the parent company of Rimi Lietuva. We have introduced different regional approaches to data privacy, which will not only determine the pace of technological development, but will also affect international business and the level of compliance in these regions. Different jurisdictions typically follow one or more data privacy models: the GDPR model, the surveillance capitalism model, and the 1984-style digital dictatorships such as China and Russia. Recently, in case law, regulatory practice and legislative developments, these three approaches are becoming more and more competitive and even collide with each other, which creates difficulties for companies trying to comply with the requirements. #gdpr #privacy #compliance #data